
PHOTO: corner shop treats

Im standing in the queue with my snickers when I spot this in what was a considerably large pet food display for a corner shop. Fat balls for your wild birds. Those words should surely only be seen on Barry the Chippendale's business card, or underneath a neon sign that reads 'Hen Parties Catered For...'


wise words

"My aim is this: always to be where i can serve best, where my disposition, talents, and industry may find their best soil and be most fruitful."
Quote from Narziss and Goldmund by Hermann Hesse


Tell Me Something Good

"I got somethin that'll sure nuff set your stuff on fire" Chaka Khan


PHOTO: when floor meets sky

On an otherwise standard day, this rare event provided a nice break in my journey and gave me plenty of time to daydream about miami style car chases flying over Deptford Creek.

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