
Odeur Menswear A/W '09

Really simple website, just click through a series of fantastic images, great clothes and great photography...here


DJ set tonight

Tonight I will be masquerading as Rambo Ambo to bring some light funkadelics to the attendees of the Design Derby at Sun and Doves on Coldharbour Lane.


Katy Eary

if you go to her website where you can find more images and interesting things etc...here


Strange Visitors

I've never been that keen on birdwatching, what with Bill Oddie doing his best to make it seem like the domain of jibbering egotist losers (no offence to the genuine bird lovers).
But today I was privileged enough to witness two birds larking about (guffaw) on the roof outside the studio.
I was shooting some new work and saw them through the window, and with a zoom action speedier than the eyeballs of any superhero I managed to get a couple of decent snaps.
I swear the brown one actually stopped and posed and the plumage on the second bird is so striking that I can see those colours working in a print, we shall see.


Graphic Design In Joke

This is just so clever, I do like a good bit of interactive design. I snapped Alistair Hall from we made this after a lecture he gave at Central St Martins last week. He is also the author of the excellent we made this blog here


Balloon Animal Menagerie

Thanks to Miss Ella Howard I have now got another skill to add to my CV, Balloon Animal Making.
This is a sausage dog with a very long tail.

I AM SO POOR: Part 1

This is how much I don't want to part ways with at least a fiver for a new eyeliner pencil.
Look at it, what used to read 'Black Magic' is now just -agic and every time I place the lid back on I fear it will be ironically swallowed by its own protecting device.


Beat Brotherhood

The younger brother of J dilla raps over his un-used beats in the album Yancey Boys.


V+A RCA Future Fashion Exhibition

This exhibition of RCA talent is worth taking a look at. Along side the garments are the sketchbooks of the designers original ideas and the pattern pieces used to make them.
Its on until the 31st of January 2010.
Here are some of my favourites. Pictures are all from the V+A website.


More Orschel-Read

There are also some really good photos on this site Demotix (spot me in the sixth photo up from the bottom)


Hawaiian Two Piece

Best charity shop find ever! Don't think i'll be leaving the house in it for fear of being stoned by any tasteful person in sight, but it might make a nice bag.


Hairy Shoes and Drag Queens

I've just completed 4 weeks of internship with Stefan Orschel-Read, a couture menswear designer, who is not only incredibly talented but a pleasure to work with.

In complete contrast to the stereotypical fashion designer diva who would bark commands at you, Stefan takes the time to help you understand the complex tailoring techniques he uses in his designs.

I was helping to make the garments in the collection and it was astonishing to see the transformation of these highly detailed yet obscure pattern pieces from flat fabric shapes into Harrington jackets, Budapest Trousers, Fake Hair Shoes and my favourite piece in the collection which is a beautiful coat made of long black hair extensions sewn in row covering the entire garment.

It all came to a climax yesterday (Sunday 20th of September) during London Fashion Week where I was backstage dressing, flapping and generally feeling the tension gradually rise as it got closer to the moment when the first model stepped onto the catwalk. It was all over within 10 minutes without a hitch and to the relief of everyone involved. A period of time that was over so fast after many months of preparation, yet felt like an hour. After that it was time to celebrate and let our hair down in nearby Soho, where we shook it like a polaroid picture.

Keep and eye and an ear out for Orschel-Read, its going to blow the wool socks off of traditional menswear.

Official pictures from the On|Off show


Fellow intern Jennivi Jordan plaiting fake hair for shoes.

The Lookbook Shoot, photographer - Peter Ashworth, stylist - Alexis Knox.

The Show at On|Off. These photographs taken by Katy Scott.

Interns on the hunt for the dancefloor.

Drag Queen DJ's.

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